The Worshipers Journal

Journaling Changed My Life & God Did It!

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If you are here, you have landed on our FREE training, which is geared to help you overcome one of the high ranking purpose blocker’s known as (drum roll please…) the lack of being still long enough to MIND DUMP, AKA JOURNAL!

In this course we will go over a few key journaling methods! These methods are intended to help you EXPRESS GRATITUDE, MIND DUMP, PLAN WITH FAITH, and JEREMIAH 30 JOURNAL!

The University Of Worship, is home to Millennials from all across the GLOBE! They are taught how to discover purpose through a lifestyle of Worship!

We are so honored that you are here. U of W, formerly The Closet was birthed in 2016 with 13 students by our founder Caren Williford and has since grown to hundreds of students across the globe. We are in love with teaching people how to Worship On Purpose!

Now that you are here, it is our desire to help you grow and pursue purpose through a very critical and often overlooked element, which we all know and call Journaling!

No matter your title, socioeconomic status, religious beliefs, etc. we have you covered! We teach that Worship is a lifestyle, which unlocks your God Designed Purpose! With that in mind we have many topics, meeting places and content to help you increase your love and daily devotion to God while discovering PURPOSE!

xo, Caren


Guess what? This course is FREE!

  • Zero dollars = FREE!
  • As in no charge - it’s FREE!
  • As in no need to pay, just enroll - for FREE!
  • As in 0 + 0 = $0.00 FREE!
  • As in I love you so this is course is FREE!

Get started now!

Here’s what you can expect to get from The Worshipers Journal!

🔍 Step 1: Gratitude vs. Complaining

Create a lifestyle of expressing GRATITUDE! Research proves that a high-ranking purpose blocker is a heart full of complaining! Each day make a list of 3 thing's you are grateful for, JUST 1 + 2 = 3!

💩 Step 2: The Purge

Before you go to bed at night, be sure to PURGE! Take some time and empty your mind, PURGE your heart so that you can REST when you lay down. It is hard to pursue purpose with a heart full of negative vomit!

🔍 Step 3: Faith & Planning

I once heard someone say, if you desire to live a certain life, CREATE it! God is so impressed when we execute Faith & Planning! Essentially, we are saying, "God I believe you for what I can't see, so I am putting my pen to action and writing down the DREAM life I desire!" Guess what God is pleased when we activate FAITH, and He is pleased when we write our plans!

🔍 Step 4: Jeremiah 30 Journaling

Train your ear to hear the voice of God, which will make PURSUING your Purpose easier! We are instructed to write down ALL that the Lord speaks to us, don’t second guess yourself, don’t talk yourself out of hearing His voice, simply WRITE what you hear!

Step 5: Create Time

We spend more time scrolling through Social Media sites, than we do creating the beautiful life God designed for us! MAKE time to Journal, make time to hear from GOD, and make time to Worship On Purpose!

📱 Step 5: Worship On Purpose From ANYWHERE

The beautiful thing about e-Course Learning is the amazing ability to LOG IN anywhere at any time! No excuses, you have everything you need to Worship On Purpose! See you in our Signature Course!


Your Instructor

Caren Williford
Caren Williford

Hi I'm Caren, founder of Everything Worship University.

I teach Millennials, Men & Women how to cultivate a lifestyle of Worship, I Pastor Worship Leaders, train Marketplace Leaders and teach individuals how to discover Purpose through a lifestyle of Worship!

I have 15 + years of experience working as a Certified Lifestyle Coach within Proprietary Education, and 15 + years as a Worship Pastor! Of those 15 years as a Worship Pastor, I've served in ministry alongside my husband as a Psalmist / Worship Leader. My combined experience, allowed me to transition from career to calling; whereby I train and cultivate a lifestyle of Worship to people across the globe.


Desire Spiritual Discipleship! Desire to grow in your faith, minus judgement & religious bullying! Feel stuck? Do not understand your why? Have a desire to live in your Purpose? Have a desire to grow deeper in your walk as a Worship Leader! Looking for career guidance, OR you simply want to become a part of like minded community of Worshipers! If so friend, I've got you covered!

Welcome to your new home here at Everything Worship University! I have taught students from across the world (literally) how to cultivate a lifestyle of Worship, and you are next! I am committed to helping you build a lifestyle of Daily Devotion, which will impact your daily life as a Worshiper!

xo, Caren

"The University Of Worship, taught me the importance of my Secret Place, and introduced me to my American family!"

- Evangelist Waseem Saleem, Student, Lahore, Pakistan

Course Curriculum

  The Worshipers Journal - Replay
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The GRATITUDE Journal Entry 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Virtual Meeting Room!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Mind Purge Journal Entry 2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Virtual Meeting Room
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Virtual Meeting Room!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Virtual Meeting Room
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Worshipers Journal Conclusion
Available in days
days after you enroll